Since 1999, the California Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection Program has required heavy duty trucks and buses (gross vehicle rating over 6000 lbs.) to submit to opacity testing administered by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Opacity testing measures the amount of light that is blocked by particulate matter and smoke in diesel exhaust.

As a result of public concerns about heavy duty vehicle exhaust, the Air Resources Board (CARB) implemented a program to reduce smoke emissions. You are subject to the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program if you have 2 or more heavy duty trucks and they are older than 4 years. You are required to inspect your fleet annually and you are subject to random roadside testing as well as at weigh stations. A 1991 and newer engine can have 40% opacity and all pre 1991 engines must not exceed 55% . The test is done with the same equipment used by the state of California for their HDVIP.

Mobile PSIP Annual testing with CCDET Trained and Certified Staff:

We use an approved SAE J1167 smoke meter on site. Avoid penalties and fines: CALL US FOR YOUR PERIODIC SMOKE INSPECTIONS.

Most of the trucks we inspect are in good shape and they pass, for the ones that don’t, we can retest for you at no charge. The best part about the program is that once your truck passes you can be assured that is is at its peak for the fuel economy and performance.

We successfully test over 2,500 vehicles per year and we can come to your facility or any designated location. Pricing and appointments are available by calling 855-501-1005.

Owners of California based fleets must comply with the following:

  • Smoke opacity tests must be conducted according to the SAE J1667 test procedure
  • All heavy-duty diesel powered vehicles must meet the applicable opacity standards of 55% for pre-1991 engines and 40% for 1991 and newer engines.
  • All heavy duty diesel powered vehicles determined to be in non-compliance must be promptly repaired and brought into compliance.
  • Records of opacity tests, repair information and post repair opacity tests for each vehicle must be maintained for at least two years.